jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Jimmy Page @ Shakespeare & Company, Paris, Oct 30 2014 1:00pm

Jimmy Page @ Shakespeare & Company, Paris, Oct 30 2014 1:00pm

After attending RTL's master class yesterday night for an hour, we're lucky to attend one more Q&A with Jimmy page , this time at the old library fronting Notre dame de Paris: Shakespeare & Company
Staff is nice and friendly, people are queuing outside, not TOO many people, I thought there would be a riot outside, in fact no, I guess it wasn't that much publicized. 
A cab is dropping him and his assistant just in front of the store, he's looking good, shaking people's hands and having a nice word to some of us.

First we have  "questions & Answers" for a bit more than 30 min, the place is tiny so I guess only 60 to 80 people in the store with the first 20 seating down just in front of Jimmy page, he's just a couple of meters in front of us,  while people outside can listen to the PA.

Of course no pictures or recording but we managed to get some, , we're ROCKERPARIS.
"Stamping" book: a world premiere: What the FUCK ?!!!?
No autograph but Jimmy has a kind word to each one of us and shaking hands , stamping a book, never seen that before. What a joke, a fucking stamp on a book. anyway...
Great afternoon with Jimmy , very rare and wonderful to see him in such good conditions
so thanks to S&Cy for that opportunity.
Après avoir passé la soirée en compagnie de Jimmy la veille à RTL, rebelote en cette fin de matinée avec une rencontre dans la librairie Shakespeare & Company, juste en face de Notre Dame. Pas trop de monde heureusement c'est tout petit. Jimmy arrive à l'heure en taxi , grand sourire, il sert quelques mains. Les personnes arrivées vers 10h du matin commencent à s'installer à l'intérieur, ce n'est pas tout petit, c'est minuscule , pas plus d'une vingtaine de chaises pour les premiers arrivés , les suivants une quarantaine, sont débout, quant aux autres ils restent sur le trottoir mais peuvent écouter l'interview grâce à des haut parleurs disposés devant le magasin. Jimmy est juste devant nous à deux mètres, c'est assez incroyable d'être si près de lui pendant la quarantaine de minutes que dure l'entretien conduite par un journaliste Anglais. L'enregistrement audio devrait sortir sous peu sur torrent, on connait au moins un petit malin qui a tout enregistré.Merci à lui.
Puis c'est au tour de cette nouvelle fumisterie "le temponnage" de livre, parce que Jimmy ne signe pas, en tout cas pas à ses fans. Tout le monde fait sagement la queue après avoir acheter son livre 50 euros et c'est parti, des petits malins essayeront tout pour ce faire signer quelque chose, peine perdue, jimmy est adorable , a toujours un mot gentil, une poignée de main franche, mais pas de signature.
Comme souvent les photos sont interdites, bon, on est ROCKERPARIS ou pas, on a filmé les premières minutes de l'entretien avant que l'assistant de Page nous dise d'arrêter.
Le voir dans ces conditions était assez incroyable, un grand merci à l'équipe de la librairie, très sympa mais putain Jimmy c'est quoi cette fumisterie du Tampon !!!
L’escale parisienne de Jimmy n'aura pas duré deux jours, départ pour Londres par l'Eurostar de 16h.
Ce soir il dort chez lui.

The first few minutes of interview before I'm being "told" to stop recording, LOL:

lundi 27 octobre 2014

Jimmy Page @ RTL "Les Nocturnes", Paris Oct 29 2014

Jimmy Page @ RTL "Les Nocturnes", Paris Oct 29 2014
 Jimmy Page will be @ RTL's studio to answer questions from fans and journalists.

An hour in the company of Jimmy Page with MC Georges Lang with questions from the audience, the room is packed, with vips who get all the best seats down the front and guests (us) in the back.
Too bad Jimmy & Georges were on the same level as the seated audience, they should have been on a small platform, so we couldn't see that much, in fact the best view was in the back standing up, it wasn't a problem as the room is very small with only 150 people.
We all get a t-shirt on the way in and posters on the way out which was really nice from the record Cie.
Everyone without a ticket could get in so that was very nice from RTL who know how to treat people.
All the questions were very conventional,  about the remastered cds and companion disc so for die-hard fans like us,we didn't learn anything new but spending a hour with Jimmy in such good conditions was just fantastic
so thanks to RTL for this.

It will be broadcasted around midnight with a special website dedicated to the event on RTL with bonus material.

Led Zeppelin première with Jimmy Page @ Olympia May 21 2014 (below)

Jimmy @ Canal+:

samedi 25 octobre 2014

Morrissey @ Grand Rex, Paris Oct 27 2014

Morrissey @ Grand Rex, Paris Oct 27 2014
 We should go !
 Morrissey @ Grand Rex / Poster and Jean Charles de Castelbajac "grafitti"

Very nice set by The Moz, I guess he played most of the new record (if not all) too bad, haven't heard it yet.
He's looking fit, funny how two guys from security are looking after him to prevent VERY dedicated fans from grabbing his hand while he's shaking people's hands.

The Queen Is Dead 
Kiss Me a Lot
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
World Peace Is None of Your Business
Neal Cassady Drops Dead
One of Our Own
Trouble Loves Me
The Bullfighter Dies
Earth Is the Loneliest Planet
Yes, I Am Blind
Kick the Bride Down the Aisle
Meat Is Murder
Staircase at the University
I'm Not a Man
Everyday Is Like Sunday

 Official Merchandising (inside) & Bootleg Merchandising(Outside)