samedi 22 septembre 2012

Led Zeppelin Press Conference, London Sept 21 2012

Led Zeppelin Press Conference, London Sept 21 2012 

 Led Zeppelin did a press conference @ the Posh Northumberland Avenue Hotel in Charing Cross, London.
Here's the whole video from the event with John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant.

mardi 18 septembre 2012

The Cult + Gun @ Bataclan , Paris Sept 19 2012

The Cult + Gun @ Bataclan , Paris Sept 19 2012

3 Years after playing the very same Bataclan theatre (on Oct 2nd 2009), The Cult are back in the French Capital to promote their brand new album.
It's far from being full, I guess we can blame the silly prices, 75 euros for the best seat at the balcony, Who the Fuck is gonna pay 75 euros for The Cult ?!?

is opening, they're already on stage when we're getting into the Bataclan and it's not even 7:00 PM. Jesus that's an early start. They are all-right.

Afetr a long intermission The Cult are getting on stage @ 8:30 PM sharp, too bad it's forbidden to take pictures the lightning is nice specially on Billy Duffy & Ian Astbury with some cool paintings on the backdrop.
Ian is looking much better than 3 years ago, better voice too, he's in good spirit repeating many times how much he loves Paris and chatting with the audience: "Hey man, are you texting on your mobile when you're having sex with your wife?" always with a smile on his face.
WoW !!! He's not insulting people tonight: big changes from last time.
Billy on the right is as cool as fuck, ever should I say, with some neat guitar playing.
The Cult has great songs, needless to tell you, they've rocked the Bataclan.
Doesn't need that much to get an enjoyable gig: great songs and Mr Astbury in fine form.
Maybe he shouldn't blame the strict curfew for only playing 80 min including The Encore, you don't fool no one.
see setlist for details (below)

Merchandising & setlist

MUSE to play at Olympia in Paris On Oct 02 20012

MUSE to play at Olympia theatre in Paris on Oct 02 20012

(c) Photographer: Tom Kirk

La mise en vente des billets se fera en 2 étapes.

La première mise en vente se fera mardi 25 septembre à partir de 10 heures sur L'achat des billets sera limité à 2 par transaction. Les billets seront nominatifs, il vous sera donc demandé de fournir 1 nom par billet (pas seulement 1 nom par achat). Vous pouvez dès maintenant vous créer un compte sur afin d'être déjà enregistré au moment de l'ouverture des ventes.

La deuxième mise en vente aura lieu jeudi 27 septembre à 10h sur L'achat sera limité à 1 billet par transaction. Les billets seront nominatifs, ils vous sera donc demandé de fournir 1 nom par billet.

Nous vous informons que vous ne pourrez acheter des billets que lors d'une seule de ces ventes. Si vous avez acheté vos billets sur vous ne pourrez pas acheter de nouveau des billets sur

Tous les billets seront à retirer le jour du concert, le 2 octobre, aux guichets de l'Olympia à partir de 10h.

Il vous sera demandé de présenter le mail de confirmation d'achat ainsi qu'une pièce d'identité avec photo pour chaque personne. Sur présentation de ces documents vous pourrez récupérer votre billet ainsi qu'un bracelet, les 2 seront indispensables pour accéder à la salle.

Les prix des billets seront 55€ et 60,50€.

The Hives @ OUI FM, Paris Sept 19 2012 8:00pm

The Hives @ OUI FM, Paris Sept 19 2012 8:00pm

After playing L'Album de la semaine for Canal+ on Sept 18 (review below)
The Hives are playing a special show in the lobby of OUI FM radio on Sept 19 @ 8:00pm sharp

Connect to OUi FM (click on link) and listen to the gig LIVE !

lundi 17 septembre 2012

The Hives @ L'Album de la Semaine, Paris, Sept 18 2012

The Hives @ L'Album de la Semaine, Paris, Sept 18 2012


The Hives are back in Paris, for a private show @ canal+, just a few months after playing a kick ass gig @ Gaité Lyrique in May 2012

All dressed in Tuxedos and playing new songs only (except for one ), The Hives are still kicking ass, even though the singer is acting as usual you can see that he's trying to make sure the vocals are the best possible even when he's jumping up and down and swinging the mike as it's a TV recording.
It's not an usual gig so you cannot feel the power of the audience pushing the band or it it because the new songs are bit less good than the old ones.
Good set but it could have been a bit better.