jeudi 1 juin 2023

John Fogerty (Part 2) @ La Seine Musicale, Paris, 31 Mai 2023

 Part 1 is HERE


Un  concert magnifique, une succession de tubes et un John Fogerty dans une forme olympique.

Critique complète ICI

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

 A noter un merchandising à des tarifs prohibitifs !!!


Bad Moon Rising
Up Around the Bend
Green River
Born on the Bayou
Rock and Roll Girls
Who'll Stop the Rain
Lookin' Out My Back Door
Run Through the Jungle
Joy of My Life
Keep On Chooglin'
Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
Down on the Corner
Travelin' Band
Cotton Fields
The Old Man Down the Road
Fortunate Son
Rockin' All Over the World
Proud Mary


JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

dimanche 28 mai 2023

John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale, Paris, 31 Mai 2023


John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale, Paris, 31 Mai 2023


John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023
La Seine Musicale de Boulogne Billancourt est quasi-complete pour le retour de JOHN FOGERTY en France. Les prix prohibitifs des places n'ont pas aidés. En guise de chauffe-plat ce sont les enfants de la vedette de la soirée qui officient avec leur groupe. Une version un peu psychédélique des Troggs.Tout juste sympathique, ça fait passer le temps.
21h précises les lumières s'éteignent. Une vidéo nous présente les titres du repertoire de John Fogerty, une succession de tubes, lorsque celle-ci s'arrête on s'attend à voir débouler le groupe mais non ce n'est pas pour tout de suite, une seconde vidéo avec un entretien avec John Fogerty nous racontant sa jeunesse et quelques faits s'ensuit. Pourquoi pas. L'ancien leader du CCR apparaît enfin en fond de scène devant le grand écran pour nous jouer "Bad Moon Rising". Est-ce encore l'intro ? on s'y perd. John descend enfin en devant de scène, pour le second morceau.
" Up around the Bend" démarre vraiment les hostilités. Un début de concert un peu raté mais ce sera vite oublié. L'homme est un véritable juke-box vivant. Les titres s’enchaînent sans temps mort.
John est accompagné de 5 musiciens dont deux de ses fils aux guitares. L' éclairage est sobre mais puissant, le son claire bien qu'un poil fort et John Fogerty dans une forme éblouissante. Il arpente la scène de long en large avec ses guitares ( il en change quasiment à chaque titre), sa voix n'a pas bougée depuis 1972 et la fin de son groupe. Et dire que le Monsieur a 78 ans, il vient de les fêter à Londres il y a deux jours. Incroyable.
Difficile de faire mieux avec un repertoire pareil, que des tubes. Ce soir c'est le "CCR Celebration Tour", John Fogerty vient tout juste de récupérer les droits de ses chansons après plus de 50 ans de bagarre juridique. Cela se fête !!! Il arrive tout de même à nous glisser quelques titres solo dont un tiré de l'un de ses meilleurs albums, "Joy of My Life" (plus bas en vidéo) dans une version allongée d' un long solo de saxophone (?) pas indispensable tant le morceau est réussi en version dépouillée sur l'album "Blue moon Swamp".
"Who'll stop the rain" est introduite par l’anecdote de sa Rickenbecker avec laquelle il a joué à Woodstock que sa femme a retrouvée et qui est entre ses mains.
"The old man down the road" (tiré de "Centerfield") se termine par une belle joute à la six cordes en compagnie d'un de ses fils. Juste avant un rappel arrivé bien trop tôt (1h20 de concert). "Rocking all over the World" et "Proud Mary" finissant d'achever un public bienveillant mais un peu mou, tout le monde est  sagement resté assis jusqu'à maintenant, incompréhensible!!! 
Comment peut-on rester sur son siège alors que ça bastonne si fort sur scène !!!
Superbe soirée avec un John Fogerty autant en forme que sur le dvd du concert du CCR au Royal Albert Hall sorti récemment. Le Rock ça conserve !
John Fogerty a t-il vendu son âme au diable en échange d'une éternelle jeunesse ?
John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023John Fogerty @ La Seine Musicale 31 Mai 2023

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008SETLIST:  Bad Moon Rising Up Around the Bend Green River Born on the Bayou Rock and Roll Girls Who'll Stop the Rain Lookin' Out My Back Door Run Through the Jungle Effigy Joy of My Life Lodi Keep On Chooglin' Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Down on the Corner Travelin' Band Cotton Fields The Old Man Down the Road Fortunate Son Encore: Rockin' All Over the World Proud Mary     ARCHIVES:  JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008


Bad Moon Rising
Up Around the Bend
Green River
Born on the Bayou
Rock and Roll Girls
Who'll Stop the Rain
Lookin' Out My Back Door
Run Through the Jungle
Joy of My Life
Keep On Chooglin'
Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
Down on the Corner
Travelin' Band
Cotton Fields
The Old Man Down the Road
Fortunate Son
Rockin' All Over the World
Proud Mary

Joy of My Life


JOHN FOGERTY @ Grand Rex, Paris, June 8th 2008

mercredi 24 mai 2023

Billy Cobham @ New Morning, Paris, 24 Mai 2023

Billy Cobham @ New Moning, Paris 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Moning, Paris 24 Mai 2023

Billy Cobham pour deux concerts au New Morning afin de célébrer le cinquantenaire de la sortie de son album "Spectrum".

Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023
Entourés de 3 pointures ( Gary Husband aux claviers, Michael Mondesir à la basse et Rocco Zifarelli à la guitare) Billy Cobham va tout au long de deux sets, un à 19h30 et l'autre vers 21h30 nous montrer toute l'étendue de son talent derrière les fûts sans jamais trop en faire. 50e anniversaire de la sortie de SPECTRUM oblige Billy va interpreter plusieurs titres de l'album. Un premier set un peu plus calme et un second un peu plus puissant mais toujours carré, les musiciens suivent les partitions installées devant eux. Quelle joix d'entendre Spectrum même si on aurait bien aimé entendre l’intégralité de l'album dans l'ordre.
Billy Cobham a beau avoir 80 ans il possède toujours la subtilité et la puissance.
Belle soirée.
Par contre il faudra m'expliquer pourquoi il n'y a pas de billetterie sur place (?!!!) alors que le concert n'affichait pas complet. Nous avons dû acheté notre billet de notre téléphone sur le trottoir devant la salle, une première !!!

Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023

Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023
Paseo del mar
Taurian matador
Savanna the serene
Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023
Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023

Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023Billy Cobham @ New Morning 24 Mai 2023

Billy Cobham + Randy Brecker + Bill Evans @ New Morning, Paris, 12 Juillet 2022

 Billy Cobham @ New Morning, Paris , Nov 07 2014

 Ian Paice & Billy Cobham @ " Bag' Show " 30th Birthday Sept 20th 2009 Trianon Paris