The Rifles +
Louis de Lights @
Nouveau CasinoParis June 9th 2009
Another day , another show...
I can't tell anything about the support band apart that they're French , good band maybe they need a little more practice.
Too bad, the place was almost empty as they get on the stage , nice lightning though.
Louis De lights I also cannot tell you anything about
The Rifles as a friend invited me at the last minute , I've never heard of them before.
Once again nice lighting for the support band and shitty for the headliner ?!?
Very nice discovery ,
GREAT band from England ( it's written on their face ), very
Mod, they have probably listen to
The Jam a lot
As always with English young bands their technic is perfect , they have lots of very catchy songs with cool melodies.
Lots of singalong and dancing among the English crowd.
They made a great impression on me like
The rascals did the first time I saw them.
The Rifles
AC / DC ? Not Yet ; Setlist