The Rustle Of The Stars @ "Oliver Peel session" for Le Cargo, Paris May 10 2012 5:00pm
Feat. Frédéric D. Oberland (Farewell Poetry) , Richard Knox (Glissando) with Lidwine (harpe) & Elaine (violon)
Technically It wasn't an Oliver Peel session as it was recorded for The Cargo and it was set up a couple of days ago nevertheless we have one of those bands that Oliver particularly loves.We're not Avenue Duquesne anymore but next to the Place des Ternes, Oliver & Cécile cannot accommodate as much people as before but the terrace has a stunning view and that's where The Rustle of the Stars is playing this afternoon.
The band played 4-5 long instrumental songs, it's not folk this afternoon but a very "ambiant" and this music would be perfect for an indie movie @ Sundance Fest.
Very cool and relaxed 30 min+ set on this hot & windy afternoon.
The view from the terrace.