jeudi 5 mars 2009

Loney Dear @ C'est Lenoir , Black Session # 295 Paris March 4th 2009

Loney Dear live @ Black Session for the C'est Lenoir radio show on french France Inter.

Loney Dear

I've never heard that Swedish "one man band" before and they ( he ) made a great impression on me as it's probably one of the best Black Session i've been to.
This guy (Emil Svanängen ) is just making some great pop-folk music.
Check his Myspace page here to listen to his music

The show was broadcasted live and we were lucky to be treated with 3 extra songs after the broadcast ended.
He had a standing ovation , everyone went home with a smile on their face.

Here's a review from their showcase at the Fnac store in Paris a couple of days ago on Oliver Peel 's site. In german and in french with pictures.

The first 2 songs not broadcasted live :